
Antoine VASLIN


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Qualité logicielle
Assurance qualité
Édition de logiciels


  • Schlumberger - Drilling Interpretation Support & QA Lead

    Paris 2016 - maintenant Responsible for the Support and Quality Assurance of Drilling Interpretation.
    Drilling Interpretation is a web deployed fully integrated drilling monitoring and analysis technology that enables NPT, drilling optimization workflows, KPI benchmarking and evaluation.

    Main duties are:
    - Client Support
    - Test Strategy Definition, Planning and Implementation
    - Quality KPI’s Definition and Follow up
    - Requirement Definition
    - Backlog prioritization
    - Quality Coordinator between Cloud and Drilling teams
    - Research on Drilling
    - Research on Petrophysics

    * Certification:
    ISTQB Certified tester - Fundation level

    * Publications:
    - Neumaier, M., Vaslin, A., Jacolin, J., Kleine, A., Palci, F., Fraser, A., Parkin, K., Wilson, T.: "Well-based Shale Resource Assessment Using High Resolution Basin and Petroleum Systems
    Modeling" 183969-MS SPE Conference Paper, 2017
  • Schlumberger - Commercialization and Support Engineer

    Paris 2012 - 2016 Working currently on Techlog Wellbore Software Platform.
    Current duties:
    - Support level 2
    - Training
    - Test Strategy Definition
    - Test Planning & Implementation
    - User Assistance materials
    - Research on Petrophysics

    - Aviantara, A., Otouma, M., Vaslin, A.: “Cross domain workflow to maximize the reservoir knowledge for sedimentology analysis”, abstract submitted for the 12th Middle East Geosciences Conference & Exhibition
  • Csiro - Structural and exploration geologist (Trainee) - Fault Sealing Potential

    2011 - 2011 During my trainee, I worked on the evaluation of fault-seal potential in the Canning Basin (NW Australia) for CO2 sequestration and conventional hydrocarbons.
    The initial part of this project involved an extensive literature review and the definition of the stratigraphic and structural framework of the north-western part of the basin.
    Then I assessed the variation in fault-seal attributes using well database.
    I was involved in the seismic reinterpretation of local traps and the building of a regional geomodel incorporating stratigraphic (Vshale) and structural data and fault seal attribute (SGR).

    - Strand, J., Vaslin, A. and Langhi, L.: "Fault-seal potential of the Palaeozoic in the northwest Canning Basin", APPEA Journal, 2012, 427-436

    - Strand, J., Vaslin, A.: "Fault-seal potential of the Palaeozoic in the northwest Canning Basin", 2012 APPEA Conference & Exhibition, May 13-16, Adelaide Convention & Exhibition Centre



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