
Jean Paul NTIMBA


En résumé

Qualified, Field Operator /Service Technician with more than 10 years’ experience in Oil and Gas industry (a major blue chip company, Refinery and Pipeline). Comprehensive understanding in commissioning and operation of major pipeline plant including turbines, compressors, crude oil topping plant (refinery), crude heater, and pipeline pigging (Launching &Receiving). Self-Chocked of capable working individually or as part of a team. Excellent international and communications skills in French and in English language average.

Mes compétences :
Refinery and Pipeline


  • Alucam - Mecanicien

    1999 - maintenant Maintenance préventive sur les pont


  • Lycée Polyvalent De Bonaberi (Douala)

    Douala 1993 - maintenant Bac


Annuaire des membres :