


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Scientific research
Analytical chemistry
Soil Analysis
Water Analysis
Environmental chemistry
Environmental Toxicology
Environmental Impact Assessment


  • Currently not employed - Active job seeker

    2013 - maintenant
  • Environment World Company - Environmental Specialist

    2012 - 2013 Tasks included desk studies, field surveys, data collection, environmental parameter analysis, interpretation & assessment, conducting literature review. And finally, to provide the Kuwait EPA (Environment Protection Authority) with truthful information relevant to the proposed identified activity. I assisted various agencies in Environment Impact Assessment study by coordinating EIA based screening, assessment, mitigation, management and monitoring measures.
    My Responsibilities included:
    • Accurately predict and assess potential project benefits and negative impacts on environment
    • Adequately evaluate reasonable alternatives and mitigation measures;
    • Provide practical recommendations for avoiding or adequately managing negative impacts and enhancing benefits;
    • Carry out necessary environmental monitoring & supply enough relevant information at the most appropriate stage of the EIA process to address adequately the key issues and concerns, and effectively inform decision making in support of sustainable development.
  • Kuwait University - Research Assistant

    2009 - 2013 Main responsibilities included assisting research students with the analysis of samples & helping them formulate methodologies for research work, especially in the field of environmental chemistry.
    I initiated & coordinated a four member team which analyses various environmental samples submitted by the research scholars. During the course of this, I was actively involved in:
    • Routine analysis of almost all metals and their isotopes in sediments, water, dust, fish, hair, seawater, brine, toys, fruits, vegetables, spices, tea, milk, herbal products, asphaltene etc. using ICP-MS & ICP-OES.
    • Elemental analysis of compounds using CHNS analyser.
    • Characterization of organic/ inorganic compounds FTIR & FT- Raman.
    • Routine analysis of anions like Fluoride, Chloride, Nitrate, Nitrite, Sulphate, Phosphate, bicarbonate and bromide in water, sediments, juices, plant materials etc. using Ion Chromatography &Silicates, Ammonia, Sulphides, Alkalinity, Cyanides, Phenols, Hardness, Aminoacids, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids etc. colourimetrically using UV-Visible-NIR- spectrophotometer.
    Chlorophyll a (both invivo and extracted), pheophytins, phycoerythrin, phycocyanin, Histamin & turbidity.
    • Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH), Ammonia & Chlorophyll analysis using Fluorescence spectrophotometer.
    • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon determination by gravimetric methods after Microwave / Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE).
    • Carbohydrates, Total lipids, Phenolic compounds, Amino acids and protein determination.
    • All chemical & physical properties of soil, sediment & water as required by Kuwait EPA involving:
    Grain size analysis by dry sieving, hydrometer, sedigraph and pipette analysis.
    CEC, ESP, SAR, TPH, Bulk density, Porosity, Water holding capacity, Conductivity, Soluble cations & anions, metals, TOC, TN, TP, TPH, CaCO3, etc. of soils & sediments.
    All water quality parameters including BOD, COD, TOC, cyanides, phenols, alkalinity, total kjeldhal nitrogen, metals etc.



Annuaire des membres :